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Will You Help Me With A Title For My Book?

22nd July 2007

Sunday is my day of rest however today I felt I needed to let you in on a project I'm working on inspired by you! I've received so many emails in fact more than I bargained for since I started the MoneyBusiness blog. I set out on a quest to empower the masses with right knowledge to better their financial situations because our national debt is out of hand. Too many Americans are in bad debt when they should not be. From the correspondence on the blog it makes more sense why I need to try out this project.

Finance Tid Bits Often I'm asked why I decided to tackle such a topic as finance and what drives my passion for this blog since by profession I'm an IT analyst. Simple. I, like many Americans make bad financial decisions because we do not know any better and we suffer for it. I would appreciate someone who is an average American like me to tell me how they manage to get it right. Since I have been in the ugly face of bad debt twice I feel my experience is relevant and maybe of consequence to someone else.

I am compiling a book not a very thick one, but one that contains what I have learnt in the past 10 years about money, personal finance, wealth and financial intelligence and yes I will include some of my best posts from this blog in the guide book. The thing is I'd like my readers to help me figure out an appropriate title for the book. So mail me and give me your suggestions and yes I am going to reward the best suggestion with $200 (USD). The competition is open to anyone so get your creative juices flowing. I will officially close the competition on the 1st September 2007.

"Finding your entrepreneurial spirit and making it strong is more important than the idea or business you are developing. " - Robert Kiyosaki

Comments (7):

Henry Says: Great idea Kev I'll take part | 07.22.2007 |

Wayne Says: 200 for a title? That doesn't sound too bad | 07.22.2007 |

Felix Says: Count me in!! | 07.22.2007 |

Karen Says: How about Kevin's financial guide for dummies?!! Sounds simple enough | 07.22.2007 |

Marie Says: Or financial advice inspired by you... | 07.22.2007 |

Lameck Says: Sounds like it'll be a good guide book | 07.22.2007 |

Yannick Says: Good luck with your book and I'll be sending you my suggestions soon | 07.22.2007 |


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