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Personal Finance

What You Can Do If Faced With Unemployment

4th June 2009

It is actually quite depressing to see the paper every morning telling us which corporate giants are laying off and cutting jobs. Faced with such a staggering number of people losing their jobs and a growing rate of unemployment, what advice is there for those whose only source of income were these jobs from which they are now being laid off? Well the good news is there is life after a paycheck.

Personal Finance We live in the information age where to have quite a sophisticated business and e-commerce, all you need is a good PC and a fast enough internet connection and you're set to make lots of money. More than you made in your day job? Most likely.

I've had quite a few queries from readers who are nervous about losing their job and want to know what they can do to earn money and sustain themselves financially incase they do lose their jobs. Well I prefer working from home because of the obvious reasons tht you are in familiar territory and in the comfort of your home. Here are a couple of ideas on how to make money at home.

Some blogging platforms you can look at are or The difference between the two is that gives you a self-hosted blog whereas offers you a basic set-up with limited features. You can also use

Ofcourse there are many more ways to make money online, and if you want to know how just type in a search phrase like "online business" or "make money at home" on any of the major search engines. Beware though of get rich quick schemes.

Remember success may not come over night but hang in there. Some reading materials you can check out to help you get started with your online business follow below.



"We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. " - Buzzie Bavasi

Comments (9):

Ivan Says: Thanks Kev for the ideas although I think one can start these before waiting to get laid off on a part time basis perhaps | 06.04.2009 |

Prolific Says: I feel motivated to start making money other than just relying on my job. Thanks Kev | 06.04.2009 |

Candy Says: Great ideas to get one started, thanks for the post Kevin | 06.04.2009 |

James Says: I heard about google adsense two years ago and just ignored it. I didn't realize that bloggers and webmasters actually make a living out of it. Thanks for the info Kev | 06.04.2009 |

Queen Says: Who said it takes money to make money?! | 06.04.2009 |

Mike Says: That's the beauty of it, low cost way to start a business. Thanks Kev! | 06.04.2009 |

Tucker Says: Great ideas and info dude, thanks for the heads up | 06.04.2009 |

Ruby Says: I've always been discouraged because I thought I'd have to build a website from scratch, thanks for letting us know there are free services to help get rid of that | 06.04.2009 |

Patrick Says: Interesting now I know how people make money online | 06.04.2009 |

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