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Finance Tid Bits

Who Moved My Cheese?

9th October 2007

I'm sure the title is making you wonder "what is he on about?" I'm talking about a book by Dr. Spencer Johnson that has taken the world by storm. This book is a good book its about 96 pages back to back and its so simple that at first you might think it is a ridiculous book. If you are yet to read this book, you need to keep an open mind in order to get the underlying message.

Finance Tid Bits What is the book about? It tells the story of four characters that represent human kind. If you are like most people then you will be able to identify with at least two of the characters. These characters are in search of cheese. Cheese is used to symbolise what it is that is important to you in life, what you would have to like and your goals. These may range from spiritual growth, to good health, to relationships to money to business. Cheese really depends on what you want to achieve in order to be successful in your personal view. What success is differs from person to person. Since this is a financial blog I assume that like me, those of you that read my blog are in search of financial freedom and success. Let's use that as our "cheese."

I'm sure you have read my previous posts and seen that I mention that the only thing constant in the world is change. This is essentially what the book is about. When your financial situation changes how do you react? I know for the first few days I panic if its bad and even if its good I still panic, why do I panic? It is human to panic but then when change comes it is essential to move fast to ensure you as a person keep up with the change. Not all change is bad and not all change is good but change is inevitable. The book emphasizes that the individual who is experiencing the change is the one who ultimately decides whether the change will work out for the better or the worse. It is up to you to decide whether you will change with the times or remain in the past. This book will reveal how you deal with change. It taught me a few things I didn't even know until I thought about the characters.

If you've read this little marvel then let me know how you felt about it. If not, you can grab yourself a copy of Who Moved My Cheese?

"Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none." - Richard M. DeVos

Comments (16):

Nina Says: I read the book and I finished it within 3 hrs. It is a life changing book provided you keep an open mind to it | 10.9.2007 |

J.C. Says: A good effort by Dr. Johnson | 10.9.2007 |

Imelda Says: It's a great book and it has meaning for those who are willing to see it | 10.9.2007 |

Maria Says: I loved it and applied it and actually once you take a positive approach to change everything just seems to flow easier | 10.9.2007 |

Hillary Says: The book has a lesson for everyone even those highly 'educated' | 10.9.2007 |

Stanely Says: The book told the simple story of life and people's attitudes towards change. Although it was an interesting read there was not much that was new | 10.9.2007 |

Victor Says: It's an okay sort of book | 10.9.2007 |

Lyndon Says: I enjoyed the book its a good story | 10.9.2007 |

Nate Says: I haven't read it yet but it sounds good. I'll be sure to get it | 10.9.2007 |

Elroy Says: I have the book and other books by Dr. Spencer Johnson he's a good author and this book in particular who moved my cheese is a good one | 10.9.2007 |

Philipa Says: I haven't read the book yet either but I've heard great things about it so I'll definately get myself a copy and find out what all the hype is about | 10.9.2007 |

Emily Says: I think the most important point in the book is that it tells you that only you are responsible to adapt to a situation of change and no one can do it for you | 10.9.2007 |

Rich Says: The idea of change and the resulting feeling of uncertainty scares people but remaining crippled by fear is dangerous and this is something the book reveals | 10.9.2007 |

Bob Says: Its a great little story and I actually enjoyed it very much | 10.9.2007 |

Michael Says: It is definately a book I enjoyed and learned from | 10.9.2007 |

Grace Says: I read the book after reading this post. Thanks Kevin its a good book and I enjoyed myself I also learned one or two things about myself | 10.9.2007 |


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