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Personal Finance

Bank Fees, Outsmart Your Banker

29th May 2007

I love Robert Kiyosaki's book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. It shows you how the wealthy think and why it is that they get wealthier as the years go by. When I changed my outlook on money I realized that thiings started tilting in my favor. Robert mentions in his book that you can be smarter than your banker. This is so true, you just need to know how. If you knew how to avoid paying the bank fees for an account that pays you no interest for your money would you still be giving your money away for free? You can't totally avoid bank charges but you can pay much less than you are paying now.

Personal Finance So how exactly do you avoid bank fees as much as possible and keep your money? Here are a couple of tips you can avoid your banker taking your money.

I have learnt from experience that your banker will not always tell you the options available to you if you do not ask. They'd rather keep you in the dark because that way they make more money out of you. Knowledge is your best friend. Always learn for more ways to keep your money for yourself. It is what the rich do so why not start doing what they do and be rich too!

"It is not how much you make that counts but how much money you can keep ." - Robert Kiyosaki

Comments (11):

Sven Says: Imagine how much more I can save now that I know this, thanks! | 05.29.2007 |

Josh Says: The bit about keeping a good financial record is true. I paid off my debts and kept a clean slate for a year and my bank called me up to offer me a better rate | 05.29.2007 |

Nelson Says: Ignorance is bliss. Not! Until now I didn't know there are so many other ways to save on bank fees other than point number 2 | 05.29.2007 |

Bruce Says: If one is in the know one can really save your money since everyone is after your money especially the bank. Thanks for this Kev | 05.29.2007 |

Keisha Says: I admit I never gave saving on bank fees much thought until now. Good post | 05.29.2007 |

Pierce Says: For a while I've been looking for ways to save on bank charges. I'm being ripped off as I'm sure most of us are | 05.29.2007 |

Anthony Says: I will start outsmarting my banker right away thanks for the info | 05.29.2007 |

Martin Says: Now you tell me :) | 05.29.2007 |

Ruth Says: I just discovered your blog from a friend of mine. This is good advice thanks and I will put some of these tricks into practice. Always happy to outsmart the banker | 05.29.2007 |

Pearl Says: Don't think the banker would like his money taken from him but who cares this is consumer revenge. Excellent post Kevin | 05.29.2007 |

Kimberley Says: Shopping around the banks before opening an account is really good advice. I did this and found that the difference in charges was as much as $50 | 05.29.2007 |


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